Wednesday, March 20, 2013

All About Salmon

Salmon is the name commonly given to several species of fish belonging to the Salmonidae family. They are pink and silver in colour and can be found in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, as well as the American Great Lakes and a few other lakes. The Atlantic salmon has the scientific name of Salmo Salar. The name comes from Latin and means "leaping salmon." It is mainly this fish that we will be concentrating on for easy fresh salmon recipes.

Salmon is a popular fish and lends itself well to a wide variety of easy fresh salmon recipes. These range from the simple to the complex and allow anyone at any skill level of cooking to try their hand. However, salmon come in different varieties. It is generally accepted that wild Scottish salmon, for example, either from a river or the sea, will always be superior in taste and quality to any farmed variety.

Salmon lends itself to an overwhelming number of recipes. You can bake, boil, broil, fry, grill, roast or poach your salmon. Take Honey Herb Salmon, for example. This easy fresh salmon recipe calls for salmon fillets baked in a fried mixture of herbs and honey. Can you say, "Hmmm... delicious?"

If you prefer a tasty recipe (mere blanc vonnas) that is slightly less sweet, then perhaps Honey Mustard Salmon With Garlic would suit you better. Honey, garlic, mustard, and seasonings blended with roasted salmon fillets creates one of the finest easy fresh salmon recipes your taste buds will ever experience.
Simple oven baked salmon fillets is a recipe that can go with just about anything. You should prepare some wholemeal flour and season it with salt and pepper, then dip the salmon fillets in the flour until they are completely covered. Next, place in an oven dish with some olive oil, and put into a hot oven for 10 to 15 minutes. You can serve this with any vegetables of your choice.

Simple and easy fresh salmon recipes work well with anything. They have a flexibility that the more exotic recipes lack, so don't overlook the simple and straightforward. It will serve you well if you have to prepare something substantial in a hurry.

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